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Self Paced- 1 Credit


Supporting Behavior for School Success

Designed for busy teachers and other school-based professionals, this book presents step-by-step guidelines for implementing seven highly effective strategies to improve classroom management and instructional delivery. These key low-intensity strategies are grounded in the principles of positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS), and are easy to integrate into routine teaching practice. Chapters discuss exactly how to use each strategy to decrease disruptive behavior and enhance student engagement and achievement. Checklists for success are provided, together with concise reviews of the evidence base and ways to measure outcomes. 

Course Syllabus

The book can be reviewed and purchased here.  

Course Cost:

The cost for the book read is $40 at registration. 

Credit will be registered through UND for $50 in addition to the course registration fee.


This course requires a payment for entry.

USD 40.00

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