Counselor Coffee Chats

Counselor Coffee Chats is a virtual professional learning series that is designed for North Dakota school counselors, counselor educators, school counseling graduate students, administrators, and district-level staff who oversee or collaborate with school counseling programs. 

Counselor Coffee Chats are designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities by connecting the components of a comprehensive school counseling program with North Dakota specific programs, systems, and supports. The first 10-15 minutes of each Chat will feature a SPOTLIGHT program followed a more in depth featured topic. The Chats are designed to be engaging and inactive and the goal is that School Counselors will leave with the tools they need to design a comprehensive school counseling program to meet the needs of all students.

Join us this fall on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 beginning Sept. 13 and ending in April.  

Credit will be available to participants who participate in all 15 sessions and complete the reflection paper at the conclusion of the Coffee Chats

 The School Health Technician Certification Course is set up to allow for an easy pathway for schools to comply with ND State Century Code requirements. This course is made possible by the collaboration between the NDDPI and ND Health and Human Resource divisions. Please contact the course instructors if you need assistance or have additional questions.ND Health and Human Resource Logo